Applications open at 12pm EST on Saturday, February 15th. The “Apply” page will be loaded to the site at that time.
Below you’ll find information about our fees, a sample schedule, and various policies regarding the workshop and facility.
Workshop and Retreat pricing is the same for Workshop attendees and their non-writing guests. At least one person per room must be attending a workshop class.
Retreat Week
June 29-July 5th

Optional week open to workshop attendees only
Double Occupant room/ 6 nights
3 family style meals per day
relaxed week in which to write
Class Week
July 5th-12th

Main Workshop Week
Double Occupant room/ 7 nights
3 family style meals per day
Intensive workshop/ one day off
All evening activities and programs
Retreat and Workshop sample schedule below

Workshop classes
Faculty Readings
Student readings
Evening activities
3 family style meals per day
See below for details on our procedures and policies.

How to cancel
Illness policy
Code of conduct
Facility Codes
About Our Fees
Is that really the fee? For all that? Yes!
Our fees are inexpensive compared to many other Masterclass-level writing workshops (some without room and board included), so newcomers are often concerned about the class and facility quality – please don’t be! We’re able to provide this amazing, affordable writing experience by operating on a not-for-profit basis and through our partnership with our hosts, Wildacres Retreat and Conference Center, a longtime nonprofit organization and facility.
A deposit of 50% is due upon acceptance or by April 1st at the latest. Your deposit, not your acceptance letter, is what holds your space.
Balances are due by June 1st. (You’re welcome to pay in full at any time.)
Deadlines not met will cause your space to be released to someone else.
A payment link with more information will be sent to you once you’re accepted.
Scholarship Opportunities
We are pleased to offer two scholarship opportunities this year! See our Scholarships page for more information.
Attendance Requiremets
You must be 18 years old or older to attend. Please be aware that the facility sits at the top of a mountain and it is 15-30 minutes or more to reach town depending on where you’re going. Medical help is 30 minutes away at least. If you have trouble with stairs or uneven terrain, please be advised that Wildacres Retreat facility has much of these. We do have a golf cart to help assist people to and from the dining hall but there is not someone available at all times to drive it for occasions other than meals.
Our Schedule
This sample schedule may be subject to change as needed. A more detailed daily schedule, along with a full information packet, will be provided to attendees in the weeks leading up to the Retreat and Workshop.
Sunday, June 29th: Retreat Check-in Day:
- Check-in is 3-5 p.m. All attendees should be checked in before 5:30 p.m. (If you will be late, please let us know.)
- A patio mixer is scheduled for 5:30-6:30 p.m., and dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. this night only.
- We’ll host a brief welcome gathering at 7:30 p.m.
Monday, July 1st – Friday, July 4th: Retreat Week:
- Mealtimes are 8 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 6 p.m.
- The rest of the days are free writing time with informal gatherings and readings after dinner.
Saturday, July 5th: Workshop Check-in Day:
For Retreat attendees as you’ll be staying over for the workshop:
- Breakfast will be served at 8 a.m.
- You do not have to check out of your room, as you’ll be in the same room for Workshop Week.
- No lunch is served at Wildacres on this day, but several local restaurants are open for lunch.
- The Wildacres Retreat facility does not have laundry services, but there is a laundromat nearby.
- You do not have to check in again, but please be back at Wildacres by 5:30 p.m.
For incoming workshop attendees:
- Check-in is 3-5 p.m. All attendees should be checked in before 5:30 p.m.
- We’ll have a welcome mixer for attendees and faculty 5:30-6:30 p.m., and dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. this night only.
- Orientation is held after dinner around 8 p.m. Attendees will learn about the history of the Wildacres Retreat facility and get an overview of the week ahead, including logistics, locations, and contacts for assistance.
- Following orientation, attendees will have the opportunity to meet as a group with their instructors and classmates.
Sunday, July 6th to Friday, July 11th: Workshop Week
The full schedule for your class and all activities will be provided in your information packet, but the general itinerary is as follows:
- Classes are held 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. or 2-4:30 p.m. Your class will switch time blocks mid-week.
- Each class will have a day off on a staggered schedule so you can audit other classes, go sightseeing, write on your own, or just relax.
- Mealtimes are 8 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 6 p.m.
- Some of our evening activities include faculty and student readings, live music, dancing, a theme party, and our Gong Show, full of skits and laughs.
Saturday, July 12th: Check-out Day
Check-out is after 8 a.m. breakfast, no later than 9:30 a.m. Then the countdown to Wildacres Writers Workshop 2026 begins
Refunds and Policies
- $100 cancellation fee after June 1st.
- No refunds after June 15th unless we can refill your spot.
- No refunds for any reason once the Retreat and Workshop weeks are underway.
- We adhere to all Wildacres Retreat facility codes and policies. Please click here for information on the retreat facility itself. You’ll find much information about the site, directions, tips, and facility policies. (We meet at Wildacres Retreat, but we are NOT in charge of the facility itself.)
- If you are diagnosed with a contagious illness of any sort, you will need to leave Wildacres Workshop and facility as soon as possible. Our apologies, but we will not be able to refund your fee.
- If you are asked to leave the premises due to a Code of Conduct violation or other health or safety reason, we will not be able to refund your fee.
- Wildacres Writers Workshop, its director, and team members are not liable for any injury, physical, mental, or emotional incurred while at the workshop, retreat, or travel to and from.
Illness Policy:
If you become ill before the workshop or retreat, the regular cancellation policy applies.
If you become ill once you are at Wildacres, we ask that you kindly return home. Unfortunately, we will not be able to refund your fee.
The reason we are not able to refund money once the weeks are underway is because your fee only covers our expenses (hence the very affordable price) and those expenses will be incurred even if you have to leave. IF we are able to recoup any expenses, we will gladly refund that portion to you, but be aware that that is unlikely.
Code of Conduct:
Be nice to each other.
It’s pretty simple. Remember what your kindergarten or Sunday School teacher told you: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Be respectful of other people’s culture, religion, identity, sexual orientation, politics, etc.
Strive to call people by the pronouns they prefer. Be gracious when someone slips up and uses the wrong ones.
Be courteous and compassionate. Smile. Be friendly. You’re in the best place on Earth for a whole week (or two). Be grateful and gracious and things should work out fine.
If, on the outside chance, someone mistreats you or hurts you in any way, please tell the director or a member of the Workshop Team. We’re here to help. The team member will let the director know and she will talk with you to help work things out.
If you are the one on the offending end, the director will talk to you too and hopefully a peace can be reached on site. If the offense is egregious, you may be asked to leave. If that is the case, we will not be able to refund your fee and depending on the offense, you may not be able to return. To avoid this happening, start at the top of the Code of Conduct and read it again.